I'm getting back into the swing of blogging with a much-needed Five for Friday post!
This week started out with Mother's Day, which has become my favorite holiday since becoming a mom almost five years ago. My children are the best part of my life, and their little faces and handprints are my favorite.
My sweet husband started having our girls complete pages in this book a couple years ago after I tagged him in a Facebook post about it gently hinted about how neat an idea it was. I love it so much.
We're trying to fit in working on a PBL project that involves deciding which of our old playground equipment to propose we keep and move to our big playground space. The weather and end of the year activities have made this difficult, but we're managing. We tried out the Easy Measure app on the iPads to measure the length of some of the equipment. The jury is still out on how accurate it is because we didn't have long enough tape measures to properly measure that way either, but we're going to give it another go next week. :)
This happened on Tuesday.
And this.
On stage, in her little cap and gown, my daughter said she wants to be "Mommy" when she grows up.
Tears have never hit my eyes faster.
I have no idea how almost five whole years have gone by already, but I do know that I am so very blessed to be her mommy.
On Thursday, we went on a field trip to our local wetlands to explore some animal habitats. It was a really awesome experience once we got there. We walked a not very clearly marked trail from a park and took a few wrong turns. We eventually made it and had a great afternoon!
Today was the Celebration of Reading at my school. It's the culminating activity for our monthly reading program that our fabulous PTA sponsors, and it's my favorite day of the year! It's a whole day of fun for our kids, and teachers, parents, and the kids who earned all of their "Book Bucks" for the year get to dress up as book characters. It's so much fun to come in and see everyone's outfits.
I decided to be Ms. Frizzle this year. :)
That was my week in a nutshell.
Five days left. The countdown is on!!